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Know Your Worth

It all starts with you. Live it, breath it, be it.

-Trent Shelton


Last week I saw my favorite motivational speaker, Trent Shelton, in New York.

I love Trent's pieces because he delivers the truth plainly - and sometimes brutally honest. If knowing that already turns you off, then you should look him up immediately, because you most likely need to hear what Trent has to say.

A week later and I'm still impacted by his message.

The theme of Trent's tour was "Know Your Worth", and while I'm sure I'd like to say I know I'm invaluable, I also know I have accepted instances that have made me feel otherwise.

My faith holds such stance in my life, because God shows me the type of love I deserve. A love that is without hesitation, doubt, or fear. A love that is patient, merciful, and graceful.

But God is perfect, and being that I'm not it's easy to forget what love should look and feel like.

I'm talking about love that should be felt in all our relationships - friendly, familial, and romantically.

A compassionate love. An empathetic love. A selfless love. A love without judgement. And probably most importantly, a love with forgiveness.

Luckily, God is also really good at "coincidentally" placing the people we needed the most in our lives to remind us of His love. For me, that's Trent. Trent reminds me to never let me settle for love less than what God provides.

And in case you needed one too, here is a reminder of the love that you deserve.

With Bare Love,



"Stop letting people pop in and out your life as they please. if they can't commit to being in your life, commit them to not being in your life."


"There's some people that got real love for you. And there's some people that don't come in your life to love you, but they come in your life to use you."


"Do not keep fighting for someone who has never and will never throw a punch for You."


"Sometimes it takes learning how to be perfectly lonely, so God can show you what it means to be perfectly loved."


"Just because a person comes along with a perfect presentation, doesn't mean that person is perfect."


"When you truly get sick and tired of being sick and tired, settling for nonsense won't happen anymore."


"Burn that bridge! You need to burn certain bridges, because there are things your life cannot go back to."


"It's time to turn that pain into power, that struggle into strength...but it's on you."


"So many people say why me? Why me? Why my marriage? Why my job? Why me? Well, why not you? Why not your marriage? Why not your job? You're life will change when you realize it has to be you. "


"Your perspective can be your power or your prison."


"Healing is not an over-night process. It's an over-time process."


"The climb is ugly, but the peak is beautiful."


"When a flower doesn't blossom we don't blame the flower; we change the flower's environment."


"A lot of us are in our caterpillar moments. It take a process to see progress. a Process doesn't happen over night, but progress can."


*All of the presented quotes are Trent Shelton's. You can find more from Trent on all social media under his name or his organization Rehab Time.

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